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I'm a stay at home mom to two kids - a rambunctious two-and-a-half year old, and a contented four month old. I wasn't always a stay-at-home mom and let me just say, the grass is not greener on the other side. I tried staying at home when my first kid turned one, it was good for all of three months and then the sanity started to slip, the wild-eyed crazed mom emerged, and I could not hightail it back to the corporate world fast enough.

Baby number two came along and well, now it's stay at home mom Take 2. I'm trying it again and I'm unsure when I'll cave. 

Kenggai means 'chit chat' in Cantonese. I'm originally from Singapore, got married in San Francisco and now live in Hong Kong. My husband is American and having lived in Asia for 12 years, does not speak a word of Mandarin or Cantonese. My two-and-a-half year old son, who's fluent in Cantonese, helps him out with ordering dim sum.

This is my place to chat...just about anything. 

                                                                               - February 2012