My baby girl is growing up so fast, I can't quite believe she's going to be six months old very soon.
She's been trying to sit up by herself - she's almost there, just a tad wobbly - I'll put her on our bed and she's all upright but then she topples over on her side or onto her back with a thud. The thudding really tickles her and she does a gurgly kind of laugh, which is her thing now, I think it's from teething, she has this giant lake in her mouth and she's just soooo drooly.
She's also such a slobberer - she loves gnawing on her fists and she'll happily stuff all her fingers in her mouth and slobber away. Between this and blowing raspberries, we go through a ridiculous number of bibs every day.
She's getting the hang of when something's funny and the idea of laughing. If you laugh loudly, she'll laugh too, like she gets the joke. Or when she burps really loudly and I burst out laughing because it's so loud, she'll laugh too.
She likes when I gently blow at the top of her head. She'll spontaneously suck in her breath like she's taken by surprise, and then quickly break into a laugh and will me with her smiling eyes to do it again.
She does a delightful snort when she's happy. Usually when I kiss her tummy, or when I hold her high up in the air.
She likes looking at her reflection in the mirror, and I imagine her singing Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? She'll look very intently, wide-eyed and with a look of bewilderment, followed by a slight frown, and then bemusement and a smile.
She's curious about her fingers, it's almost like she's admiring her nails after a manicure - she holds her hands up, palms turned outwards, fingers splayed and nails facing her, and she'll bring them in for a closer look, and then pull them away. And bring them in again for more intense scrutiny.
On her tummy, she likes scratching on her playmat with her fingernails. Scratch, scratch, scratch, the sound of a little baby growing stronger day by day.
When the day is done, and I'm nursing her to sleep, I love stroking her hair, the tiny baby-soft tufts, and rubbing her round, round head. I love the curves and how solid and strong her head feels. I love rubbing my palms against her fine hair, soft like feathers. I love feeling for the bald spot at the back of her head where her hair has rubbed off from lying down.
She gazes at me as she nurses, and I gaze right back into her beautiful gentle soul.
My heart is full, and I am humbled by how blessed we are to have her.