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From Drab to Fab

I've been trying to spruce up my son's bedroom. Make it look fun! Like a happy kid's room. 

Which isn't easy when painting the walls is not an option, and hanging up paintings is just too much of a chore. Our walls are made of heavy-duty concrete, virtually impossible to drill through, and requires nothing short of an industrial-strength power drill wielded by no less than a professional handyman.

Enter my sister, who had quickly dressed up her baby girl's room up and turned it into spinning yarns of gold with none other than...wall stickers.

These wall stickers are so easy to use and such a quick and simple way to completely transform your room. I don't know why I never thought of this before and why it took me this long to figure it out. The stickers come in individual pieces, and there are endless possibilities on how you can put them together.

I used RoomMates Peel and Stick Wall Stickers, and had a fun afternoon getting crafty. 

A lone Dr Seuss painting sitting somewhat forlorn on the wall, now instantly perked-up by a cheery family of alphabets. 

Reader Comments (2)

Nice! Does JD like it?

February 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKwan

LOVES it! He's learnt W is for Whale and Z is for Zebra. The only animals low enough for him to reach.

February 25, 2012 | Registered CommenterKenggai

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