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Green Eggs (and Ham)?

My son's not much of a fan of eating. It's just not something he's particularly interested in. He doesn't like cheese. He won't eat pizza. He doesn't eat barbequed chicken. Or ribs. Or a sandwich. 

He does like pasta. And rice. And Chinese soup.

The sure-fire thing he will eat in absolutely any situation in copious amounts, is fries. And Pepperridge Farm Goldfish crackers in cheddar (doesn't really like the graham ones). I must confess that we have, on very very select occasions, given in to letting him have only goldfish crackers for lunch.

Anyhow, his favorite color is green. He will always pick the green crayon, the green car, the green train, the green page in the book. 

So I was in the store the other day and lo and behold, saw some spinach noodles. I had a sudden eureka moment and thought, I can make him some green noodles! I can cook this every day! My dinner woes will be over!

So dinner was cooked and he was sooo excited to see his green meal and we could not get his bib on fast enough (messy eater!) and get him seated at his toddler table.

He took one bite and spat it out. With much aplomb. Absolutely refused to eat it afterwards. 

So much for a brilliant idea. We could certainly use some Green Eggs and Ham. 

Reader Comments (3)

I'm sorry but it really doesn't look appetizing. I would spit it out too!

March 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKwan

My son, Noah, doesn't like most foods too. He won't eat meat either, but will eat pizza. Loves pasta with marinara. So I sneak in a little Meat or leafy green into it with the bullet Food processor. It's so mixed in he doesn't notice.

There is a good Food chef/blogger I am friends with named Gabi Moskowitz, with BrokeAss She started with doing children's Food. It might be good for some other sneaky recipes.

March 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBob in SF

Stealth recipes! I like that.

March 18, 2012 | Registered CommenterKenggai

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