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The Great American Store

For a bustling, metropolitan city like Hong Kong, it's actually hard to find American products. Grocery stores like Oliver's, ThreeSixty and Great carry a decent range, but for the real deal, the place to go is Gateway. 

Touted as The Great American Store (with attractive poster from the 80's to boot),

you'll first need to go down some retro stairs,

while keeping an eye out for the latest offers,

and you'll be greeted by a very welcoming entrance, flanked by mesmeric flourescent lighting:

This is the mecca of American food in Hong Kong, where everything is supersized:

A whooping 1.3kg (2lb 14oz) box of Lucky Charms! Almost half the size of my baby girl when she was born!

Unable to stomach that, I bought 1.3kg's worth of Chex Mix instead:

And some bones, which my son just had to have:

And of course, some of the chunky microwaveable soup that was so enticingly advertised at the stairwell:

Moving past the aisles,

you can sleep easy knowing you'll never be stranded without Q-tips,

or odor eliminators for your carpet:

Even Ghirardelli brownies:

And look what we found! This, I am certain is sold no where else in Hong Kong, and it was the last bottle left standing, so of course we grabbed it even though we had absolutely no need for it.

Although we just might after having the Chex.


Reader Comments (3)

So glad to get my kenggai from Hong Kong. I was getting used to it every day leading up to the Oscars and then nothing for 3 days!

The yellow color reminds me of the “generic section“ grocery stores had in the 80's. The aisles where every product was in a yellow box with the product name in bold black helvitica type.

Ritz Bits with Kickin' Cheddar sounds funny. Not your ordinary cheddar.

March 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBob in SF

High in calcium, no less. So you can build strong bones while nursing that hearburn.

March 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKwan

Those Ritz Bits are classic, you can almost feel the enthusiasm in every crunch.
And what are Tums if they can't multi-task by being enriched AND working in mere seconds.

March 4, 2012 | Registered CommenterKenggai

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