A Curly Affair
I've been growing out my hair for the longest time and now that it's really long, I think my hairdresser is getting bored with it. She keeps suggesting that I should perm my hair - you know, give it a try, and see how I like it.
I have never permed my hair before and after probably a year of cajoling, I finally caved and decided to do it. But to perm one's hair is not such a straightforward affair, it's complicated really. What type of perm would I like? Digital perm, ceramic perm, the list goes on. I was informed that the new perm in town creates big, loose, soft curls, giving hair curl and volume that lasts.
Okaaay...that sounds about right.
Little did I know that getting a ceramic perm meant sitting down for over 2 hours as my hair got cut, washed, prepped, put in rollers, dipped in chemicals and strapped to an insane-looking spy interrogation, mind-altering contraption that made the whole perming process look pretty crazy.
A couple of days post-perm, the curls are indeed still pert and bouncy, but I now need to add on an additional hair routine of applying curling mousse and styling my hair. Not quite a wash-and-go kind of hair. But it's growing on me.
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