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Marni for H&M in Hong Kong 

The much-anticipated Marni for H&M collection launched globally today, and Hong Kong was a proud participant in this fashion frenzy.

Once the doors opened, only the first 280 in line were allowed to shop the collection. Not only that, the 280 had only 10 minutes each to shop. Like a glorified Supermarket Sweep - you have 10 minutes to shop! - how anyone can manage any kind of rational choice (or dignity for that matter) in the face of such fashion turmoil, I do not know.

I wasn't there when the doors opened and can't attest to the mayhem then, but I passed by the flagship H&M store in Central around noon today and it didn't look like the frenzy had abated. Security barricades and the police were managing crowd control.

I must say the storefront looked suitably Marni-esque, with the Sofia Coppola-directed commercial playing amidst signature pieces from the collection. 

I stood across the street so I could get a good look at the Fashion Collective of Hong Kong. Such a determined lot, stoic in their purpose, futility be damned. 

I, with baby girl strapped into the Ergo, was tempted to step into the store but she had barely dusted the tears off her vaccinations and was not a happy camper, and I still had one last shred of sanity left, so we decided we simply must not attempt any feat of such kind.

I did however, check out the lookbook and here're the pieces that I really like.

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